
About Heidi
Hi, my name is Heidi! I am a wife and mom of two beautiful rambunctious little boys. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan and I have a passion for fashion and beauty. I love scouring the internet and stores to find the latest styles and and fashions for a steal. I get joy out of going through my friends closets and helping them put outfits together with what they have, showing them what they could get rid of and what staples they could add. Every women deserves to feel beautiful even if they are on a budget.  I believe fashion is a form of art, and really speaks to who you are. I love to take chances, and keep people guessing with my style.

I have been dreaming of doing this for a while, and after going through some tough times and through encouragement of close friends and family I am finally taking the leap and doing something that I love. My goal is to uplift encourage and motivate women to be the best version of themselves.

A little about my journey, I was diagnosed with Indeterminable Colitis when I was 12 years old. I went through many years of being extremely sick causing a lot of problems including both of my boys being born prematurely due to not getting enough nutrition from me. In 2013 at age 28 I was diagnosed with colon cancer, I underwent a total colectomy and went through 6 rounds of chemo. I lived with an ileostomy for 6 months, and had another surgery to "reconnect" everything. Those were the hardest days of my life, but going through that year a lot of things were really put into perspective for me. Mostly the importance of God being number one in my life and trusting Him no matter what.  I truly felt his hand through all the hardships, he carried me through those times. Also I learned the true meaning of love for my Husband, boys, family and friends, and being happy with who I am scars and all. By the grace of God I am happy to say I just had my one year anniversary of finding out and I am Cancer Free and feel healthier than ever!! Feel free to read more about my health journey here- Heidi Henion blog.  I know my story could have turned out a lot differently so I am taking my second chance at life to do something I love.

If you are interested in advertising, collaborating or just saying “hi!”, please email me at heidihenion@live.com. I’d love to hear from you!
Name: Heidi Henion
Location: Grand Rapids, MI

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